The A-Z of Decorating Terms

After reading the brief explanations below you will have a clearer understanding of what these commonly used decorating terms mean when you next page through a DIY magazine or website looking for inspiration.

Acrylic: A term describing waster based decorating materials.

Acrylic Filler: Water based gap and surface fillers that remain highly flexible when cured to allow movement, particularly useful for ceiling cracks and junctions between plaster and wood.

Ageing: Giving something an aged appearance - various techniques can be used, such as staining and denting, also referred to as Antiquing or Distressing.

Anaglypta: Originally a trade mark in the wallpaper industry, this term is now used to describe any wallpaper that has a thick, embossed surface pattern that is designed to be painted over. This wallpaper is very effective in hiding even the most glaring of plastering faults. A wide variety of very attractive textures and patterns is available.

Alkyd: An oil based paint made from synthetic resin instead of natural oils.

Bleed through: A painting fault, usually caused by a contaminant under the area being painted, showing up as stains in the final painted surface, proper surface preparation and a high-hiding undercoat will eliminate this problem.

Blocking: An easy technique used to apply an original design of your choice to a wall, floor, or any other surface you may wish to decorate. A cut-out or shaped object that is first dipped in paint before application is used to achieve a variety of different effects and patterns.

Brushing out: Also sometimes referred to as “laying off”. In order to get an evenly painted surface finish, paint needs to be thoroughly distributed or “brushed out” using light brush strokes, generally in the same direction to produce a smooth finish with no drip lines or visible brush marks. This painting technique can be used for both interior and exterior paint jobs.

Colour washing: A painting technique using diluted paint, resulting in a semi-transparent finish. This is especially effective when used on a wooden surface where the grain still shows through even after applying colour.

Combing: Also referred to as “wood graining”, this paint effect uses a specially designed decorator’s comb that is swivelled and dragged through a glaze in order to produce fine lines and knots that give a realistic hardwood effect to surfaces.

Cut in: To paint the edges of a wall or ceiling to complete the coverage of the surface. Especially applies where a paint roller or pad is used which cannot reach into the corners.

Distemper: A traditional unstable wall 'paint' comprising water, pigment and glue. Now largely replaced by emulsion paints, old distemper normally needs to be removed or sealed before redecoration.

Dragging: Achieved by dragging a long-haired paintbrush – sometimes referred to as a “flogger “- across a glaze to create a series of irregular, fine lines.

Eggshell: An oil or water based paint with a semi-gloss finish.

Emulsion: A water based paint normally used to paint large areas such as walls and ceilings.

Flexible filler: This kind of filler is usually a water based surface filler that is used on surfaces such as wood or plaster where there is a degree of movement and therefore a likelihood of cracking. It is particularly useful for ceiling cracks and joins between plaster and wood. Once dry, any repairs done using this kind of filler can easily be painted over.

Flogger: A long haired paintbrush used to create a Dragged paint effect

Frieze: A band of decoration applied along a surface, such as along a wall or around architectural features like windows and doors using wallpaper borders, stencils or free-hand decorations.

Grinning: This term refers to a painting fault that comes about when paint has been applied too thinly over a darker surface. The colour of the surface below may show or “grin” through. The best painting advice that we can provide you with? Make sure that you use an adequate primer before applying the paint and you will be able to prevent this problem entirely .

Grout: This refers to a waterproof paste used to fill the gaps between tiles and mosaics. This paste can be coloured to suit the tile or mosaic being used.

Inset tile: Usually a smaller, highly decorative tile used for adding additional design detail to surrounding tiles.

Liming: Also often referred to as “whitewashing “, this is a technique used for treating wood, resulting in a pale, bleached appearance. This technique is popular when a clean, light look is required.

Lining Paper: A wallpaper used to cover poor surfaces prior to applying paint or wallpaper - when being covered with wallpaper, the lining paper is normally put on at right angles to the final paper

Low-tac: This is a term used to describe types of masking tape that have a low level of grip so that the tape can be removed without damaging the surface that it has been applied to.

Make good: To prepare a surface for decorating by filling in holes, smoothing etc. It is often said "90% of the time to make good, 10% for the actual decorating"

Marbling: This clever paint technique is used to create the impression of a surface being made from marble. It is one of the more difficult paint techniques to master.

Nibbler: This hand tool resembles a pair of pliers and is used to cut away tiny portions of ceramic tiles in order to achieve a specific shape or size.

Non-drip (paint): A Thixotropic paint which has gel like consistency and so tends not to run or drip

Notched spreader: This tool is used to spread tile adhesive over a wall before positioning tiles. It comes with different shapes and sizes of notches that are used for different types of tiles and/or situations.

Oil (paint): Paint based on an oil solvent, such as linseed and tung. The final surface is hard wearing but the paint gives off strong fumes and brushes etc can only be cleaned using Mineral Turpentine

Primary colours: Refers to any one of the three ‘pure’ colours – red, blue, and yellow. All other colours are mixed using any number of combinations of these three colours together with the addition of black and/or white.

Primer (Paint): A paint used to seal and stabilise a surface before further coats are applied - often with very little colour content to hide the underlying surface. Different types are necessary for different surfaces (I.e. wood, steel, non-ferrous metals etc) to provide good adhesion.

PVA: Polyvinyl Acetate - the basis of various types of adhesives, paints etc. Often used diluted as a stabilising solution on powdery surfaces

Rag rolling: This paint effect is similar to ragging, but instead of bunching up the rag before dabbing it onto a surface, the rag is made into a sausage-like shape and then rolled down a glaze or emulsion in order to produce a more even, directional pattern.

Ragging: A paint effect achieved with a crumpled rag that is used to create a pattern on emulsion or a glaze - alternatively, the rag may be dipped in the paint and then applied to a surface

Size: Before hanging wallpaper a diluted adhesive referred to as “size” is painted onto walls to seal the surface

Soaking time: This term is used when decorating with wallpaper and refers to the time that the wallpaper is left after pasting but before hanging, allowing the adhesive to soak in. This is an important step in order to minimise the formation of bubbles and varies according to each manufacturer.

Sponging: A natural sea sponge is usually used to produce an impression in a glaze or emulsion. The sponge may also first be dipped in paint and then applied to the surface. Although very similar in appearance, these two different techniques result in a subtle difference in the end effect that is achieved.

Stencilling: This decorative effect is used to produce a design on any number of surfaces by applying paint on to the cut-out areas of a paper, cardboard or acetate template. By adding layers of colour and shading detail, a highly realistic effect can be achieved.

Stippling: A finely textured paint effect achieved by using only the extreme tips of the bristles of a lightly loaded brush. Stippling is the technique most often used when using stencils as there is less chance of excess paint “bleeding” under the stencilled pattern.

Stripper (paint): This is a chemical solution to removing old layers of paint or varnish from a surface in preparation for redecorating. Manufacturer’s’ instructions must be closely followed due to the fact that paint strippers are highly caustic.

Stripper (wallpaper): This clever piece of equipment allows wallpaper to be more easily removed by using steam to soften the backing adhesive. A flat plate held against the wallpaper produces a consistent flow of steam, thereby evenly and effectively aiding the stripping of wallpaper.

Thixotropic: A term used to describe materials that have a gel-like consistency until stirred so tend not to run or drip.

Tile gauge: A piece of wood marked with the tile-width measurements along it and used to mark off the positions that tiles will occupy on a wall.
Top Coat (Paint): The final coat of paint which is laid off, or subjected to a paint effect technique, to give the final finish.

Undercoat (Paint): The paint applied after the primer to mask the underlying material and to provide a key for the top coat - often now replaced by a combined 'Primer and Undercoat' for wooden surfaces.

Varnish: A resinous or water-based solution that seals and protects surfaces.

Verdigris: The greenish coloured coating on copper, bronze, or brass that forms naturally with age as a result of atmospheric corrosion.

Vinyl (Wallpaper): A wallpaper with a front surface of vinyl - usually water resistant.

Vinyl (Paint): An emulsion paint with good wearing and cleaning properties - available in a number of finishes such as Silk (semi-gloss) and Matt.

Wet-and-dry paper: A waterproof, sandpaper used wet in order to give a very smooth finish to a project.
Wood stain: This wood finish is available in a multitude of glorious shades and is absorbed into the outer surface of the wooden article so as to provide a richer colour, as well as a greater amount of protection from the elements.

For other terms not mentioned, please contact us to update this article.