How to Prevent Mould and Mildew

Once you’ve dealt with a mildew infestation on your walls, the next step is to try to stop it recurring. Here are your options:
  1. Buy a specialised product. An anti-microbial spray, for example, can help prevent the spores from settling again.
  2. Consider installing an electric de-humidifier in badly affected areas. This is ideal for long-term mould prevention.
  3. Look into upgrading your home insulation. Sometimes, but not always, bad insulation is the root of the problem. Walls and ceilings that are properly insulated will be less affected by condensation, and therefore mould.
The best tips on how to get rid of mould involve cutting out the damp conditions it loves so much:
  1. Keep bathrooms, kitchens, and other humid spaces well-ventilated and as dry as possible
  2. Spread out shower curtains and towels to dry.
  3. Tackle leaks as soon as they’re discovered to prevent moisture seeping into cavities and under floors.